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World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that PCOS has affected 116 million women (3.4%) worldwide in 2012. In India, experts claim 10% of the women to be affected by PCOS and yet no proper published statistical data on the prevalence of PCOS in India is available.

Test included

• Blood Sugar Fasting
• Blood Sugar Post Prandial
• Free Testosterone
• FSH (Follicle Stimlating Hormone)
• Insulin Test (Fasting)
• Insulin Test(PP)
• LH (Leutinizing Hormone)
• Prolactin
• Total Testosterone

Blood Sugar Fasting
PCOS patients may be more prone to diabetes owing to insulin resistance and hormonal imbalance. The test is done as a pre-screen for diabetes and blood sugar imbalances.

Blood Sugar Post Prandial
PCOS patients may be more prone to diabetes owing to insulin resistance and hormonal imbalance. The test is done as a pre-screen for diabetes and blood sugar imbalances.

Free Testosterone
Over production of androgen is one of the causative factors of PCOS in women. Testosterone produced by the body may be divided into bioavailable and sex hormone binding protein bound. Thus, if total testosterone is found low or normal free testosterone is the measure of hormone available for action (symptoms). Blood testosterone is one of the primary tests for PCOS as these may be found elevated.

FSH (Follicle Stimlating Hormone)
FSH, secreted by pituitary gland stimulates ovulation by its action on ovaries. Serum levels of FSH may be low or normal in PCOS patient. Thus, the values help contributes to complete picture of hormonal imbalance in PCOS. Moreover, its ration with LH help diagnose the condition.

Insulin Test (Fasting) and Insulin Test(PP)

• Resistance to insulin is identified as one of the primary markers of PCOS diagnosis. As many as 70% of PCOS women are insulin resistant and 10% have DM. Glucose levels alone lack the sensitivity to predict metabolic risk in PCOS patients. Moreover, normoglycaemic women with PCOS are heterogeneous regarding insulin sensitivity. It is not easy to conclude insulin resistance, that is an important precursor to metabolic disorders in PCOS.

LH (Leutinizing Hormone)

Similar to FSH, LH is an important pituitary hormone for ovulation. LH levels and in relation to FSH concentrations help identify anovulation or related conditions in PCOS.

Hyperprolactinemia or elevated prolactin levels express similar to PCOS symptoms. Thus, the test is done to rule out the possibility. Further, it helps evaluate menstural irregularity and infertility conditions in PCOS patients.

Total Testosterone
Over production of androgen is one of the causative factors of PCOS in women. The total testosterone is the total amount of hormone produced in the body, i.e. Free and that bound to proteins. Measuring the total testosterone helps diagnose excess androgen as reason for relevant symptoms.


Patient cost

• Traub ML. Assessing and treating insulin resistance in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome. World Journal of Diabetes. 2011;2(3):33-40. doi:10.4239/wjd.v2.i3.33.
• Seneviratne HR1, Lankeshwara D, Wijeratne S, Somasunderam N, Athukorale D. Serum insulin patterns and the relationship between insulin sensitivity and glycaemic profile in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. BJOG. 2009 Dec;116(13):1722-8.

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